Full Expression | From Aytuhzee
Collection: LET ME FEEL IT
Medium: Art | 24”x 36” Mixed Media on Canvas

Over the past 2 years I’ve been taking self portraits as a means to express, explore and process my emotions...(below)

These pieces are from a collection I’m working on called, “LET ME FEEL IT.” Over the past 2 years I’ve been taking self portraits as a means to express, explore and process my emotions.  Almost like turning these emotions into different characters so I can face them in front of me.

Putting them onto canvas and getting my hands dirty with paint, glue, paper, markers and pencils completes the processing cycle for me →  feeling the emotion in my body → capturing it digitally → printing & physically interacting with it…seeing it in front of me like a mirror.

I felt a lot of newer emotions last year: anger, grief, sadness - I really didn’t know what to do with them or how to process them.  I didn’t like how they made me feel and I felt like I’d be stuck that way forever.  When I started shooting these photos it was such a release to realize I wasn’t  damaged, and I wasn’t stuck that way forever… it was just simply another side of me, a human emotion.

A year later, I’ve now put them onto canvas with my love of collage & mixed media - the idea that ripping up what other people could be considered “trash,” is actually something beautiful.  A rebirth!!!

All the pieces in this collection aren’t sad/angry - there’s love and peace too! The whooolllleee colorwheel of emotions. A life full of color~ dare I say. 

Full Expression from A to Z, FROM Aytuhzee.

Kk - excited to share these 2 while I keep working on the rest!

Please join me at my first Art Salon Show at the Greenpoint Gallery - featuring these 2 pieces. April 26 - 8pm-12am!